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Get help with back rent: Emergency Renters Assistance Program

Applications open Tuesday September 19, 2023 at 8am Pacific for the City of Los Angeles United to House LA Emergency Renters Assistance Program. At this time, applications are slated to close on Monday October 2, 2023 at 6pm Pacific. However, applicants who qualify are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

The Emergency Renters Assistance Program provides support to low-income individuals and families who rent the home or apartment they live in; who meet the eligibility requirements described below; and who may be at risk of homelessness, due to their inability to pay rent because of financial hardship.

Up to six months of back rent may be provided via this program. To qualify, applicants must meet all four of the requirements below. Anyone meeting these requirements may apply, regardless of immigration status:

  1. Applicants must live within the City of Los Angeles. To check whether your residential address is located within LA City boundaries, visit
  2. Between March 2020 and the present, one or more members of the household must have experienced job loss or loss of income; incurred significant costs (such as major medical bills); or had some other type of serious financial difficulty.
  3. Applicants must owe unpaid rent that is due to their current landlord for any month(s) between April 1, 2020 and now.
  4. Current total household income must meet the following limits:
1 person $70,650
2 people $80,750
3 people $90,850
4 people $100,900
5 people $109,000
6 people $117,050
7 people $125,150
8 people $133,200
* Income limits listed above represent 80% of the area median income, based on 2023 US Department of Housing and Urban Development low income limits for Los Angeles.


  • Apply online at (24/7 until applications close)
  • Apply by phone by calling (888) 379-3150 (M - F 8am - 6pm Pacific)
  • Apply in person by visiting an intake office location (use the website or phone number listed above to find the nearest location)





The Emergency Renters Assistance Program is led by the City of Los Angeles Housing Department and funded by the United to House Los Angeles measure, which LA voters approved in 2022.

This measure imposes a tax on high-priced real estate sales within the City of Los Angeles at a rate of 4% on transactions of $5 million or more, and 5.5% on sales exceeding $10 million. Funds collected are utilized for programs, projects, and initiatives to support seniors; those with disabilities; and other vulnerable Angelenos who are unhoused or at risk of homelessness.

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