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Go Vote on Tuesday

On Tuesday, March 7, another important local election will take place. LA area voters will head back to the polls to cast ballots on city and county measures, and Angelenos will vote on citywide offices, on City Council races in odd-numbered districts, and for Los Angeles Unified School District board members and Los Angeles Community College District trustees. The people we elect and the issues at stake will impact the future of our neighborhoods now and in the years to come.

What's on the Ballot?
At the County level, voters will decide on Measure H, a quarter-cent sales tax increase to fund supportive services for the homeless. In the City of Los Angeles, there are a number of ballot measures on which we must vote, including Proposition M (to enact a regulatory and enforcement framework for commercial cannabis activity), Charter Amendment P (to increase the maximum term for franchises, concessions, permits, licenses and leases that may be entered into by the Harbor Department) and Measure S. Click here for a list of all the March 7 ballot measures.

Click here for a voter guide explaining the local measures.

Find Your Polling Place
If you intend to cast your ballot in-person on Election Day, click here to find your polling location The link also takes you to sample ballots in a host of different languages. Remember, polls are open on March 7 from 7 am to 8 pm.
Your Vote Matters
Please go out and vote. It matters. Our democracy relies on the participation of all of its members to thrive and survive. This election presents another vital opportunity for the people to shape the future of our great city.
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