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Freeway Closures for I-5 HOV Improvement Project (SR-118 to SR-170)

About the Project

Caltrans is constructing an HOV lane in each direction on I-5 between the Hollywood Freeway (SR-170) and SR-118, a distance of 6.8 miles (3.4 miles in each direction). The project is also widening four undercrossings, replacing sections of pavement, and building a direct HOV connector at the I-5/SR-170 interchange. A direct HOV connector allows for freeway-to-freeway transfers without exiting the carpool lane.

This project will alleviate congestion, encourage carpooling, improve air quality, and provide a smoother ride for motorists. The work is part of Caltrans’ effort to provide motorists with a seamless carpool lane network in California.

Work began in August 2010 and is on track for completion in late 2013. Caltrans thanks motorists for their patience and understanding during

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) plans to close ramps, lanes and connectors as part of a $140 million improvement project to construct High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV or carpool) lanes and a direct HOV lane connector at the I-5/SR-170 interchange. Ramp closures will be staggered. Closures are subject to change. Detours will be signed.

For more information, visit

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