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36 Disaster Preparedness Tips From the Mission Area C-PAB

The Mission Area Community-Police Advisory Board provided 36 disaster preparedness tips to supplement last weeks message.

This is John Romero, Commanding Officer, Mission Patrol Division. After last weeks message, the Co-Chair of the Mission Area Community-Police Advisory Board forwarded to me a list of 36 tips. I have included them below for your consideration.

1. Keep emergency packs in each of your vehicles. Commercially available packs sell for about $40 (for two people) or about $80 (for four people). They have a shelf life of about 5 years.

2. Have at least an extra 3 day supply of your medication.

3. Be trained by the LAFD for CERT - “Community Emergency Response Team”.

4. Matzoh crackers can last a long time. Keep a package in your vehicle as well as at home.

5. Keep a warm jacket and a light weight jacket in your vehicle trunk, a hard hat is also a good idea.

6. Keep a “First Aid” kit in your vehicle with bottled water.

7. Make sure all of your important documents are together for easy removal access.

8. Keep a flash light, extra change of clothes and toilet paper in your vehicle.

9. Keep extra flash light batteries in your vehicle and at home.

10. Have a list of your contacts printed out where all family members know where to find it.

11. Have a fire extinguisher and remember to gently turn extinguisher at least once a month to keep
its contents loose. DO NOT test them or they won't be any good.

12. Keep non-perishable items, blankets and enough water for 5 to 7 days per person and the family pet(s).

13. A good rule is to buy more bottled water once your supply is down to 2 cases.

14. A great food to keep on hand is canned “Spam”, it lasts a very long time.

15. Keep slippers by the bed and a pair of tennis shoes under the bed. Disasters come at any time.

16. You can use the water in your “hot-water tank” it holds 40 gallons, can be used to flush toilets too.

17. Keep a battery operated radio with batteries on hand as well as a landline phone with a phone jack. When the electric is out your cordless phones won't work.

18. Keep a wrench attached on or near your natural “gas meter and always check for leaks after a disaster.

19. Keep CASH” on hand. ATM machines will not work without electricity.

20. Have a “fire-proof” box for family photos and important documents.

21. Have a “family plan. Where to meet up if you’re away from home and practice plan with your kids.

22. Child proof your cabinets and remember extra child/baby supplies: Diapers, formula etc.

23. Don't forget the family pets. Have extra pet food, medication, leash and water for them.

24. Some HOA Complexes have 300 gallons of water stored for all residents. Does yours?”

25. A bed-side port-a-potty is also a great idea to store, as is kitty litter to help with the odor.

26. A portable generator is a big help as is candles and matches for a last resort. Though candles can be dangerous.

27. Discuss family plan options. Know your neighbors and a pre-paid phone card is also a good idea.

28. Check off action plan items with family so you know everything has been covered and understood.

29. Have a can opener on hand and or a P-38 (a small can opener that can be kept on your key chain).

30. Always keep your vehicle half full of fuel as well as a list of out-of-state contacts. You will more than likely be able to call another state before you can call your neighbor.

31. Keep charcoal on hand and first use freezer items as they will be the first perishable items to go bad.

32. Rotate food supplies from your emergency preparedness boxes at least every 6 months.

33. Keep a whistle on hand to gain attention or if you get separated.

34. Large heavy trash bags work well to line toilets in case the toilets can not be flushed. Tie up top and discard.

35. Keep on hand all sizes of extra batteries not only for flash lights but for those hand held games for the kids.

36. Print out your cell phone list. Once cell phones are non-operable for a period of time you will loose all of your contact information.

For full details, go to

Contact Information:
John Romero
Mission Patrol Division

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