It's now even easier to report graffiti to the City so it can be cleaned up fast.
In addition to calling 311, you can now report graffiti directly using the City's online 311 function at Just enter the exact address and a report and clean-up order are automatically generated.
The City also is making efforts to explore today's rapidly evolving technology to make it faster and easier for citizens to report graffiti and other non-emergency problems. The City now has its own iPhone application to report problems. The application was created by Citysourced in a public-private partnership and can downloaded for free on iTunes. It allows iPhone users to take snapshots of graffiti, potholes, illegal dumping and other issues. Using the iPhone's GPS system, the photo and the exact location are automatically sent directly to the City's 311 system. It even notifies the user when the problem is resolved.
To download the app or see pictures of how it works, visit
The application should be available for Blackberry, Android, Palm, & Windows Mobile 7 platforms this year.