You may be asking yourself that question. If you live, work, or own property within the boundaries of the Arleta Neighborhood Council area, you are a stakeholder. In addition, stakeholders are those persons involved in community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, schools, parks, senior-groups, and youth-groups.
Below is a map of our boundaries.
Official L.A. City map of Arleta NC Area Boundaries.
View Arleta NC in a larger map
North: Pacoima Wash between Woodman and Interstate 5
South: Roscoe Blvd. Between Woodman Ave. and the Tujunga Wash; the Tujunga Wash between Roscoe Blvd. and Laurel Canyon
East: Interstate 5 to Branford St., up to Laurel Canyon to the Tujunga Wash
West: Woodman between Roscoe and the Pacoima Wash
City of Arleta entry on the L.A. Times "Mapping L.A." Website