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13500 Branford St, Arleta, CA

13500 Branford Street, Arleta

Do you want a Bureau of Sanitation yard at this location because the City of Los Angeles is looking into leasing or purchasing this property? Unknown for what use other than for Livability Services Division which does include the collection of illegal dumping materials, Mobile Hygiene Units for homeless services, and CARE and CARE+ or Comprehensive Cleaning and Rapid Engagement program. Unknown if it would remain solely for Sanitation purposes or other unknown municipal endeavors in the future―which can occur. Your residential area is not industrial either.
Would you prefer a school? Unknown type and operator (kind of already is set up for that).
How about multiple single-family homes (for example, 8, 10, or 12 on this lot)?
How about apartments (multi-family housing)?
Take a moment to observe whether parking spaces are an issue in neighborhoods with existing apartments.
Whether you submit this survey to Arleta Neighborhood Council or not, it is paramount that your input is recorded at the offices of Council District 6 (Formerly Nury Martinez' office). Call the Council District 6 office, provide your name and address, and voice your opinion regarding 13500 Branford Street, Arleta. This property, should the City of Los Angeles acquire it ― short of daily protests against it and/or litigation against it ― will be permanent so it is imperative that you consider a preference for the locale or make another suggestion.

CD 6 Office Addresses:

200 N Spring Street, Suite 470
Los Angeles, CA 90012

9300 Laurel Canyon Blvd, 2nd Floor
Arleta, CA 91331

Any information you provide will only be used for this survey and will not be used for marketing, selling your info to others, adding you to mailing lists, etc.

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